Stop carcinogens at work

Every year, more than 100.000 people die in the EU from cancer caused by carcinogens at work. This must STOP!

Carcinogenic substances, or carcinogens, are cancer-causing agents. Every year, over 120.000 people are diagnosed with work-related cancer. Make sure you, your colleagues and your employees do not become part of them! Exposure today may cause cancer in the future.

Is this really a problem in Europe?

Isn’t it shocking that so many workers in the EU die from cancer by working with carcinogens? 53% of the work-related deaths in the EU are associated with exposure to carcinogens at work (OSHwiki). These deaths are unnecessary. By changing the way we work, we can prevent exposure to cancer-causing agents. Why should any worker put his or her life at danger? The STOP-principle helps to prevent workers from being exposed to hazardous substances.