
Substituting Chromium (VI) Trioxide for Electrolytic Chromium Coating of Steel (ECCS)

Substituting Chromium (VI) Trioxide for Electrolytic Chromium Coating of Steel (ECCS)

Type of measure: Substitution

One of the goals of the European REACH regulation is the progressive replacement of substances of very high concern (e.g. carcinogens) by safer alternatives. Companies that use these substances, actively search for safer alternatives (less dangerous substances, new technologies and processes), and report about these alternatives. Below you will find the information on possible alternatives for chromium trioxide, included in the different applications for authorisation received so far by ECHA. To obtain further details, please follow the link to the full dossier.
Below you can find possible alternatives for chromium (VI) trioxide for Electrolytic Chromium Coating of Steel (ECCS). All alternatives refer to the chromium (VI) trioxide described below.

Chromium trioxide

  • EC-number: 215-607-8
  • CAS-number: 1333-82-0
  • Use: Use of Chromium (VI) Trioxide for ECCS
  • Technical function: Stabilizing agent

Most promising alternative:

  • Trivalent Chromium Coating Technology Chromium (TCCT) process

Other Alternatives:
Different (groups of) companies have researched possible alternatives to replace chromium trioxide. Even if these alternatives may not have been chosen for their particular case, they may still be an appropriate option for other cases.

  • Low Tin Steel (LTS) with CFPA passivation
  • Cr(III) conversion coating
  • FeSn alloy

More detailed information

All research efforts by companies have been documented in reports. The following ECHA-dossiers are available about possible alternatives for chromium trioxide for ECCS:

Factsheet Chromium VI

For more general information about the risks of Chromium VI and measures to take to prevent exposure, please have a look at the factsheet Chromium VI (available in many EU-languages).

More information
Published June 3, 2024
Please note that this substance or some of it's compounds are listed in Annex XIV (REACH regulation). This substance some of it's compounds are only allowed to be used, imported, or brought into the market, if authorisation requirements of REACH are fulfilled.
Please be aware that for this carcinogen you need to be more cautious when determining potential skin contact and how to regard dermal exposure in your risk reduction strategy.
Carcinogens involved:
Chromium VI compounds
About this case
General facts

Facts about cancer-causing agents:

  • The direct costs of carcinogen exposure at work across Europe are estimated at 2.4 billion Euros per year.
  • Every year, about 120.000 persons get cancer from exposure to carcinogens at work
  • Annually more than 100.000 people die because of work-related cancer.