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Tool to identify carcinogens at work

The completely renewed Roadmap on Carcinogens website provides even more practical support for companies and workers that may be exposed to cancer-causing agents. This tool assists in identifying potential risks (carcinogen + exposure) by starting with the sector or occupation, or a known carcinogenic substance. Once the carcinogen or exposure is identified, the tool proposes targeted solutions how to protect employers, and gives information on the legal provisions.

Know what you are working with

Every year in the EU, around 100.000 people die from cancer that was caused by exposure to carcinogens at work. And over 120.000 people are diagnosed with work-related cancer. By providing this to-the-point information, the Roadmap on Carcinogens helps employers and workers to assess whether carcinogens are relevant for their work and points at adequate risk management measures for sectors and their occupations.

Three entree points

If you want to know whether cancer-causing agents can be found in your sector or occupation, it is possible to access this information, starting from the sector or occupation. Many solutions and examples are provided regarding protection measures, following the STOP-principle (starting with substitution, technical measures, organisational measures and personal protection) . If you already know that you work with carcinogens, or that carcinogens are being generated during a process in your workplace (e.g. welding fumes), you can find all important practical and legal information in the respective comprehensive factsheets.

Clear and practical information

One of the main goals of this new website is to make the growing volume of information on carcinogens within the context of work more accessible. All necessary information is provided in short and easy-to-understand factsheets. From identifying carcinogenic substances, you are guided to measures and solutions. Once you know what you are working with, it is always possible to dig into further details if needed.

About the Roadmap on Carcinogens

The Roadmap on Carcinogens is an EU voluntary action scheme to prevent workers from being exposed to carcinogens in the workplace. We encourage and help others to raise awareness and take action by sharing knowledge, solutions and tools. Ministries of many EU countries are committed to the Roadmap on Carcinogens, as well as the European Trade Union Confederation – ETUC (European workers), BusinessEurope (European employers), the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and the European Commission. Click here for more details.

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