This website is an initiative from the Roadmap on Carcinogens: A European wide voluntary action scheme to tackle work-related cancer. The following partners (have committed themselves) to be active and are taking the lead in this programme to prevent exposure to carcinogens in the workplace:
- Austria: Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy
- Belgium: Federal public service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue
- Finland: Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
- France: Ministry of Labour, Health and Solidarity
- Germany: Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
- Ireland: Health and Safety Authority
- Netherlands: Ministry of social affairs and employment
- Norway: Norwegian National Institute of Occupational Health (STAMI)
- Portugal: Authority for working conditions
- Slovenia: Ministry of labour, family social affairs and equal opportunities
- Spain: Spanish Ministry of Labour and Social Economy
- BusinessEurope (European employers)
- European Trade Union Confederation – ETUC (European workers)
- European Agency for Safety and Health at Work – EU-OSHA
- European Chemicals Agency – ECHA
- European Commission
In addition, many friends (companies, organisations and individuals) are already supporting the Roadmap on Carcinogens by sharing our message. Become a friend by signing up for the newsletter.
Importance of our journey
Every year, about 120.000 people in the EU are diagnosed with cancer from exposure to carcinogenic agents at work. And roughly 100.000 people die because of work-related cancer. And it is important to realise that this is unnecessary! It comes from the way we work, the choices we make. So, the good news is that we can do something about it. Prevention is the key word here, making sure we are not exposed to carcinogens.
The Roadmap on Carcinogens aims to help European businesses and workers take action by:
- Creating awareness: informing businesses and workers on the risks of exposure to carcinogenic substances and the need for preventive actions and presenting facts.
- Providing help: offering solutions and tools for businesses and workers to avoid exposure to carcinogens on the work floor and minimize its effect on the workforce.
Current roadmap plans foresee activities until the end of 2027.
During the 2nd phase of the Roadmap from 2020-2024, we executed 12 challenges. The results have been or will be integrated into the website. More information on these projects can be found here.
Questions and remarks
For further information or if you have any questions, contact us at: [email protected]