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Alternative to formaldehyde as preservative in water samples

Alternative to formaldehyde as preservative in water samples

Type of measure: Substitution

Macroinvertebrate bioindicators are used in evaluating the biological quality of water. Traditionally, the biological material of the samples is preserved using formaldehyde, which is both a carcinogen and a sensitiser.

An alternative method

An alternative method published by the Direction Regionale de l’Environnement (DREN) Lorraine-France uses less hazardous means. It consists in elutriating the samples and separating a floating part concentrated in invertebrates which is preserved in ethanol and a sedimented part (sand, stones) that is frozen on the spot. Samples that are too small to elutriate are preserved entirely in ethanol, those that cannot be elutriated (sludge) are entirely frozen.

Published July 26, 2023
Carcinogen(s) involved:
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General facts

Facts about cancer-causing agents:

  • The direct costs of carcinogen exposure at work across Europe are estimated at 2.4 billion Euros per year.
  • Every year, about 120.000 persons get cancer from exposure to carcinogens at work
  • Annually more than 100.000 people die because of work-related cancer.

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