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Factsheets for identifying and substituting carcinogens

Factsheets for identifying and substituting carcinogens

Type of measure: Substitution

The “Fiches d’Aide au Répérage des Cancérogènes” (FAR) and the “Fiches d’Aide à la Substitution des Cancérogènes” (FAS) have been created by the French Prevention Network (Prevention Departments of Occupational health and pension insurance funds – the CARSATs- and INRS).

These factsheets, compiled by OSH and technology experts, are short summary reports which are continuously updated. The FAR focus on how to identify specific carcinogens at work and the FAS focus on substitution possibilities (FAS) for a particular process or substance used in a given context.

View a list of all factsheets on the INRS website (in French).

If you have any questions, use the contact page on the INRS website.

Published May 24, 2019
Carcinogen(s) involved:
Sector(s) involved:
About this case
General facts

Facts about cancer-causing agents:

  • The direct costs of carcinogen exposure at work across Europe are estimated at 2.4 billion Euros per year.
  • Every year, about 120.000 persons get cancer from exposure to carcinogens at work
  • Annually more than 100.000 people die because of work-related cancer.

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