Sulfochromatic mixtures may cause cancer by inhalation, is very toxic to aquatic life, is very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects and may cause an allergic skin reaction. Sulfochromatic mixturesare still regularly used in laboratories for the cleaning of glass flasks and vessels. There are a number of solutions for the substitution of sulfochromatic mixtures which include:
- Decon 90 (VWR International): An emulsion of anionic and non-ionic surface active agents, caustic soda and stabilizing agents
- TFD 4 (Franklab): a mixture Anionic and non-ionic surfacting agents, potassium hydroxide andstabilizing agents
- Alconox (Vasse Industries): Anionic surfacting agents These are detergents with tenso-active agents, like alkyl benzenesulfonates, that can be used for cleaning laboratory instrument.
These detergents are also available for cleaning with ultrasonic baths.