A risk based approach in the Dutch asbestos sector

A risk based approach in the Dutch asbestos sector

Type of measure: Organizational

Setting and problem

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment in the Netherlands started several initiatives to support companies in adopting a risk based approach when working with asbestos fibers. These initiatives were developed over the last couple of years to provide companies with tools in determining exposure levels and manage the actual risks related to exposure to asbestos fibers.


The first initiative is an exposure model called “AREAT” (Asbest Removal Exposure Assessment Tool) that was developed by TNO on behalf of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. With this model it is possible to estimate asbestos exposure for a wide range of asbestos removal activities, and it can be applied to estimate exposure levels for scenarios for which no sufficient measurement data is available.  The model consists of several exposure determinants such as substance emission potential, activity emission potential, control measures and dilution in air, taking into account near- and far-field sources of exposure. Through an algorithm, AREAT calculates dimensionless scores based on model inputs, which are translated to estimated fiber concentrations by a mixed effect model (Franken et al., 2021). The model has been validated against additional data (Franken et al., 2023).

To improve the knowledge level of companies working with asbestos, additional information sheets have been developed by TNO to help asbestos removers with properly applying control measures to reduce exposure to asbestos fibers. A total of eight information sheets have been developed over the years. These information sheets are available via the “dust-free working” (“Stofvrij” in Dutch) website.

Lastly, to stimulate the development of innovative methods for asbestos removal operations the VIP (The Validation and Innovation Point Asbestos) (Validatie- en Innovatiepunt Asbest) was established in 2020. The VIP is in charge for evaluating these (new) working methods from an scientific point of view, which includes a check on exposure levels and on practical feasibility. The VIP evaluation results in an advice to the minister of Social Affairs and Employment and is also reviewed by the Netherlands Labour Authority. After a positive decision the working method will be included in SMA-rt The “Batteryspray method” as mentioned on the website is an example of such a working method validated as “safe working practice”. If the prescribed working method is followed, exposure levels will be below the occupational exposure limit (OEL) and the asbestos removal operations can be performed within an eased control regime.


According to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment the introduction of additional solutions needs to contribute to an increased awareness of exposure to asbestos fibers on the workplace. With these new tools companies are enabled to assess the exposure to asbestos fibers and determine the control measures needed as part of the risk-based approach- resulting in more safe and healthy workplaces for workers.

More information
Published November 8, 2017
Carcinogen(s) involved:
Sector(s) involved:
About this case
Ministery of SZW (sociale zaken en werkgelegenheid; social affairs and employment)
The Netherlands
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General facts

Facts about cancer-causing agents:

  • The direct costs of carcinogen exposure at work across Europe are estimated at 2.4 billion Euros per year.
  • Every year, about 120.000 persons get cancer from exposure to carcinogens at work
  • Annually more than 100.000 people die because of work-related cancer.